Product composition : 1  sound beep, 2 non-sound beep
Size :  3.4cm x 4.1cm
Weight : about 0.01kg ( 2g each)
Points to note when purchasing products : The 
rubber duck in the video is not included in the components.
We hope that there is no error when purchasing.
-------Refer to the comment during class^^--------
you ever thought about how the rubber duck beeps ?
is an unusual principle hidden in the cute rubber duck beep that I played with inadvertently !
When air passes between objects, it vibrates and makes a sound.
If this right is strong wind blowing trees or Power lines fell that day, the hum
Mom's baby Put your mouth on a boat-part bulttae will sound like a fart in the skin along with the laughter of itching najiyo
Oh! The sound of farts is also the sound of the air passing through it ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ (the smell comes out as a service ㅋㅋㅋㅋ)
You can hear the smellless fart sound when you blow it with your mouth on the back of your hand ^^
In the past, there was a lot of clean grass around, so we used the
grass in our mouth and blown it like a flute.
This is also the principle of wind instruments.
You can play a paper flute instead of a grass flute!
Put two sheets of paper on your lips and blow them so that you can make a sound. Blowing
hard doesn't make a sound.
When holding the paper, hold it close and hold it wide, hold the
paper loose, pull it tight, and
blow it to make a high sound and a low sound.
Now you know how the flute sounds?
That air causes vibration!