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Best of All Worlds - Book

Best of All Worlds - Book

기본 정보
판매가 59,000원 (부가세포함)
공급사 Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
상품요약정보 [필독] 본 카테고리 공급사 상품의 경우 재고 수량 0개일때 주문이 되더라도 자동 주문 취소되므로 주문 하시면 안됩니다.
배송비 3,000원 (50,000원 이상 구매 시 무료)
결제수단 카드 결제, 무통장 입금, 휴대폰 결제, 현장 결제, 페이코(간편결제), 카카오페이(간편결제), 가상계좌, 적립금, 실시간 계좌이체
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상품 목록
상품 정보 가격 삭제
Best of All Worlds 10th Anniversary Edition - Written and compiled by Brent Arthur James Geris, Bob Postelnik and Duppy Demetrius.

Foreword written by Max Maven

Preface written by Michael Weber

Filled with history, stories, and, most of all, magic, Best of All Worlds pays tribute to one of the greatest card tricks of all time: Paul Curry's classic card effect, Out of This World.

Best of All Worlds is not just a book about a 'magic trick.' It is an extensive, in-depth look at what Dai Vernon called "the card trick of the century."

Chronicling the creative evolution of this single magical effect over seven decades, Best of All Worlds brings the history and challenges of Out of This World to light. It is a unique collection of over thirty routines -- some old, some new, some never before seen in print -- submitted by the world's leading magicians. In addition to their personal performances, the contributors have given insight into and musings about how this classic effect has influenced their magic.

Out of This World has influenced some of the world's greatest magicians. It temporarily put a World War on hold. The odds of it actually happening are staggering.

Contributions from: Aaron Fisher, Aldo Colombini, Alex Elmsley, Allan Ackerman, Allen Zingg, Arthur Benjamin, Audley Walsh, Barrie Richardson, Darwin Ortiz, Daryl, David Regal, Doc Dixon, Doc Eason, Doug Conn, Ed Marlo, Eugene Burger, Francis Carlyle, Gary Ouellet, Gregory Wilson, Harry Lorayne, Helder Guimarães, Herb Zarrow, Howard Hamburg, J.C. Wagner J.K. Hartman, Jack Parker, James Swain, Jason England, Jay Sankey, Jim Steinmeyer, John Carney, John Scarne, Jon Allen, Jon Armstrong, Joshua Jay, Juan Tamariz, Karl Fulves, Kenton Knepper, Larry Becker, Lee Asher, Luke Jermay, Mark Wilson, Martin Gardner, Martin Nash, Micah Cover, Michael Ammar, Mike Sibbernsen, Norman Beck, Norman Gilbreath, Paul Curry, Paul Green, Peter Duffie, R. Paul Wilson, Rafael Benatar, Richard Busch, Richard Kaufman, Richard Osterlind, Roberto Giobbi, Ron Bauer, Ron Wilson, Roy Walton, Simon Lovell, Stephen Minch, Steve Draun, Steve Spill, Steve Valentine NEW EXPANDED ROUTINE, T.C. Tahoe, Tom Ogden, Tomas Blomberg, Tony Clark, Tony Giorgio, Tony Picasso, U.F. Grant, and Whit Haydn.

400 pages, hardbound

"Best of All Worlds is a first-class production"
- Karl Fulves

"The best go-to book for the best go-to card trick"
- Chris Kenner

"A unique collection of what most of us believe to be the best card trick for lay audiences. Well done!"
- Roberto Giobbi

"This is certainly the most complete resource on this subject that I have seen. All you need to do is start digging!"
- Doc Eason

"This book is a true resource for lovers of the Paul Curry Classic. It's an honor to be part of it."
- Jon Armstrong

"The quintessential reference work for the well-stocked magic library, collecting final words on one of the greatest card effects of all time."
- Michael Ammar

"This book is like visiting the brains of different magicians and seeing how they think."
- David Regal

"Your beautiful book arrived today, many many thanks. I'm privileged to be part if it - I'm sure I'll feel even more so when I have the chance to work through it. Good luck with it - I hope it is as successful as it is elegant."
- J. K. Hartman

"Your Best of All Worlds has reached my doorstep, and it is a handsome effort. I've begun paging through it, reacquainting myself with certain handlings, enjoying others new to me. It is very generous of you to have sent me a copy, and I assure you, it will provide pleasure and future reference. Thank you."
- Stephen Minch

"We are impressed by the production value - it is beautifully designed."
- Norm Nielsen Magic


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 (색상 교환, 사이즈 교환 등 포함)

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