[A bit of history first, this effect is the brain child of Joe Riding, I have used in my own presentations for quite some time. Joe was a good friend. I loved the effect so much I designed a case to hold the entire setup. The case has a special pocket for the prediction card, and the main case is divided so the two halves do not mix into each other. The effect is included with kind permission of Joe Riding with my own handling. I think you will love it as I have. A beautiful prediction with a surprise twist. Very easy to do, and great entertainment. Comes with a beautiful JOL Leather case to hold the entire effect. This is an elegant stunner you will carry always. A card is selected from two halves of a deck by a spectator, the chances of the two halves matching are ten thousand to one. But wait, the twists encountered make this a true classic, and pure entertainment that has proven it self time after time. With bonus instructional DVD.] - Jerry OConnell

*아직 해법동영상을 제작하지 못하였습니다. 최대한 빠른 시간안에 올리도록 하겠습니다.
