예전 미국 서부시대 느낌을 재현한 커스텀덱입니다.
카드케이스를 포함하여 카드씰, 앞뒷면까지 전체적인 디자인이 오리지널덱입니다.
서부시대를 재현했기 때문에 카드 전체적으로 빈티지 느낌이 특징입니다.

Weight(lbs) : 0.215
Dimensions : 3.5 x 2.5 x 0.8


"Jack McCall shot and killed Wild Bill Hickok over these cards!"

I saw it happen, call me a liar and your next. It was such a problem (people getting shot over cards) that bartenders and lawmen alike were burying and hiding these exact cards from everyone. While panning for gold in Utah, I came across an old wooden box that had the legendary cards in it! Unfortunately, as soon as I opened the box the cards had started falling apart in my hands due to decay and rotting. Luckily, I have perfectly redesigned them from scratch and the good people at Bicycle have agreed to reprint them on casino grade paper! Yee-haw!" - Russell Kercheval, Americana Deck Designer

This deck is more than just a retooling of regular cards!

Custom Face Cards - Kings are now sheriff lawmen, Queens are serving beer at the saloons, and Jacks have become outlaw bandits!

Period Accurate Back - After studying old decks, photos, and a bit of inspiration Russell has come up with a classy and faithful back. The final design is a TWO WAY back with edges that fade to 'white'.

Gaff Cards - Shot-through Ace of Hearts and blood splater 4 of Spades

Weathered Look - Not just satisfied with adding a filter to existing cards, Russell went all out! Cracks, tears, faded colors, and stains make it look like you found this deck buried in a mineshaft.

Features of the Deck: